Speech Therapy
Regain Your Confidence in Speech, Communication, and Cognition
Whether recovering from a stroke or swallowing disorder, our therapy team will create a unique treatment plan to have you communicating and functioning at your best.
Why Choose Speech Therapy at Sprenger?
Speech Therapy (ST) focuses on improving the patient’s ability to communicate. This includes speech, which is how the sounds are made; and language, which involves understanding and choosing the correct words. Speech therapists help patients with speech disorders, oral muscle weakness, memory loss, cognitive relearning, and communication disorders. A speech therapist can also help patients who have dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). Conditions that a speech therapist can help include: stroke rehabilitation, cognitive (processing, memory, reasoning) rehabilitation, motor speech training for slurred speech or lack of language ability, laryngectomy (removal of the voicebox) rehabilitation, dysphagia, and voice therapy.
Specialized tests/interventions used by Sprenger Speech Therapists:
- Fiber Optic Endoscope Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) – A specialized test using a small camera inserted through the nose to the throat to evaluate a swallowing problem and determine the safest diet
- Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBS) – A specialized test performed by a radiologist and a speech-language pathologist (SLP) using a moving X-ray to determine a swallowing problem and the safest diet for the patient
- VitalStim – A non-invasive, external electrical stimulation therapy for the treatment of dysphagia
Benefits of Speech Therapy
Each individual’s treatment goals vary widely and can change throughout the treatment plan. Speech Therapy can offer many benefits to residents who are determined clinically appropriate for this service.
These benefits may include:
- Improvement, increased comfort, or safety in swallowing (dysphagia)
- Improvement with word articulation and communication (verbal and non-verbal)
- Comprehension of verbal and non-verbal cues
- Improvement and/or safety of eating
- Greater self-esteem
- Memory improvement
- Development of patient specific strategies to improve independence and safety with completion of daily life activities
Specially Trained Therapists
We take pride in our staff’s professional development. Many members of our team have undergone extensive training that resulted in licensure or certification. Some specialty trainings and certifications include:
National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) Certification
Many of our therapist have been certified through the National Stroke Association allowing them to be better equipped to recognize stroke symptoms, assess the severity of a stroke, predict patient outcomes, and identify appropriate treatment options to provide optimal patient care.
Dementia Care Specialists
Training in dementia care allows our memory care team to demonstrate an understanding of dementia and its impact on cognitive function. Trained staff can identify key care approaches for each stage of the disease in order to promote the highest possible level of function in activities of daily living (ADL), mobility, and leisure activity. Most importantly, they learned to identify and report predictors of cognitive decline or transition, further assisting Sprenger clinicians in the development of care plans that promote successful outcomes.
Other Specialty Areas We Feature:
- Kinesiotape Certified Therapists
- Total Parkinsons
Communities Offering
Speech Therapy
Communities Offering
Speech Therapy