Physical Therapy
Recover, Progress and Return Home with Confidence!
Physical therapy at Sprenger Health Care focuses on improving function and mobility. Your journey begins with a thorough evaluation, which enables our therapists to design a personalized treatment plan, and concludes with a celebratory graduation and complimentary home safety assessment.
Our dedicated therapy team collaborated with medical experts to develop individualized pathways of care that optimize wellness & outcomes for each patient’s unique needs. The goal of our Rehabilitate program is to create a personalized experience for each patient from the moment they walk into one of our communities to the day they graduate from our specialized program.
To learn more about the additional rehabilitate programs, visit the official rehabilitation page.
Specially-Certified Staff
We take pride in our staff’s professional development. Many members of our team have undergone extensive training that resulted in licensure or certification. Some specialty trainings and certifications include:
National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) Certification
Many of our therapist have been certified through the National Stroke Association allowing them to be better equipped to recognize stroke symptoms, assess the severity of a stroke, predict patient outcomes, and identify appropriate treatment options to provide optimal patient care.
Dementia Care Specialists
Training in dementia care allows our memory care team to demonstrate an understanding of dementia and its impact on cognitive function. Trained staff can identify key care approaches for each stage of the disease in order to promote the highest possible level of function in activities of daily living (ADL), mobility, and leisure activity. Most importantly, they learned to identify and report predictors of cognitive decline or transition, further assisting Sprenger clinicians in the development of care plans that promote successful outcomes.
Other Specialty Areas We Feature:
- Kinesiotape Certified Therapists
- Total Parkinsons
- Amputee Care
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
State-of-the-Art Equipment
Our therapists aim to provide excellent care and achieve quality outcomes through the the use of innovative techniques and high-end therapy equipment. Some features of our state-of-the-art therapy gyms include:
Biodex Gait Trainer™ and Unweighing System
This treadmill training system’s computer monitors and records step length, step speed, and step symmetry while providing audio-visual feedback to the patient. The attached Unweighing System enables patients to preform partial weight-bearing therapies while remaining comfortable and safe.
Biodex Balance and Mobility™
Used to improve balance, increase agility, and develop muscle tone, this machine works to treat a wide variety of conditions. It can preform comprehensive fall risk screenings, plan conditioning programs, and provide computerized documentation that reports the patient’s progress and outcomes.
Biodex FreeStep with Supported Ambulation System (SAS)
With the extra support of an overhead harness track providing a safe and comfortable environment, this system allows a patient to concentrate more on their gait and balance goals. Likewise, therapists have more freedom to instruct and assist the patient, since less physical support is required.
This new, virtual rehabilitation platform is designed to create an exciting and effective experience for those participating in physical rehabilitation. The program supports treatment of multiple conditions including: fall prevention, motor control, balance, muscle strengthening, postural control and flexibility.
TRAN-SIT® Car Transfer Simulator
The Car Simulator is designed to provide a safe training environment for individuals who need to improve motor skills, regain confidence, and practice life-like transfers.
Communities Offering
Physical Therapy
Communities Offering
Physical Therapy